Dear stranger,
let's hide behind the data. Let's hide behind those numbers: bold, italics, it does not matter, as long as we have the numbers to rally behind. It does not matter that we are still invisible and they do not see us in the face. We do not have names stranger. Names, we cannot hide behind them; fonts cannot hide us, words put together in sentences sounds, rhythms, melodies, cannot hide us NO. Numbers and machines alone can keep us invisible. Come stranger, it's still not safe for us to have a face with a name, a voice with a pitch of our own. Dear stranger, the numbers so dear to us, hold on to them. I wonder for how long behind this shield of data, numbers, truths and myths, scientifically hidden, spiritually absent, mysteriously deaf and mute, dead or alive, like a number dear stranger. J.GJ. June 2023
What do I do
with your worries mother? Save them like jewlery family heirlooms? Or hide them with joyful dreams and songs? What do I do with your worries mother? Carry them like a camel does with water? Or mix them up with flour and bake them to peace? What do I do with your worries mother? When they become me without leaving you? Joris Gjata January 2022 When somebody
approaches you with fear, tell me what do you do? Do you want to talk to them? Do you want them to be with you? Do you tell them stay with me, fear is not you? Maybe. Maybe you fear them too. Or maybe , maybe maybe, you get curious about them, and they get curious about you. Joris Gjata November 2021 Ndihme
Nuk te kam kerkuar ndonjehere ndihme Ndihme Ishte gabim e dobesi te kerkoje ndihme Ndihme Nuk ishte e rendesishme si e ku Ndihme Gabim e shihnin te gjithe vuajtjen e femijerine Ndihme Per te qene e padukshme duhet te shnderrije Ndihme E pastaj me drite nuk mund te flisje as erresiren Ndihme Ti ishe e vetmja shprese, e vetme Ndihme Ishe e forte me lote te padukshem Ndihme Kishe admirim te vuajtjes tende te heshtur Ndihme Per leke e pasuri punoje Ndihme Te duhej vetem te te shikonin e te te flisnin Ndihme Te duhej te shiheshe pa dyshim, pa frike, me gezim, me kurajo e mirenjohje Ndihme E groposur thelle ne fjale pa vlere te skeletosura te holluara te zbrazura Ndihme Ndihme moj! Joris Gjata Mars 2020 I saved a spider's life
one day when I noticed its arms thin and slim and fragile looking on the white hand washing bowl. I grabbed it away with a towel, a paper towel, kept it there alive, safe from the running water. I saved a spider's life one day, and I hope it remembers, though it does not matter as long as I remember. I saved a life, to whom I can say hello later today, and tomorrow. J.GJ. November 25, 2019 I live my life
in poetry I cannot remember a difficult time I did not rely on it for finding me for listening to my voice for making sense of loneliness presence others life. Thank you! J.GJ. November 25, 2019 I thought
Nobody could see my mind I thought Freedom is in my thoughts. Thoughts I held them for me, protected. Then in that silence I drowned. I came up swimming screaming. Eureka! My body is what they cannot control, my actions. My freedom was locked in thoughts And the key was being out, with my body. In action I rose. I learned Freedom was in doing, with my body for my body of which my mind was a part. Eureka! J.GJ. Dec. 26, 2020 Streams of tears
To push the boat Into rapids and waterfalls deep. Rivers of sweat To float the sails Into splashing and smashing seas. Oceans of piss To drain the bucket Into spongy springs underground. Can I moisten With a mist of blood lava The milky juices Of my icy cocktail, To melt my glacier And fill the glass With my clouds' heaviness, Or spill acid rain? J.Gj. June 16, 2020 Shikoj deboren qe bie
Po nuk jam atje Tek floket e bardha Me duhet te shkoj Me to te udhetoj. Por me humbin, I humb nga syte. Kembet nuk kercejne dot, mbi disqet e bardhe dredha dredha mbi akullin e bardhe te qendisur imet. J.Gj. 17 Nentor 2019 Ndoshta kam harruar
Litaret, ato per tu hedhur, ato per tu lidhur, ato per tu varur e ndoshta per te shpetuar nga mendimet... J.Gj. 17 Nentor 2019 |
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June 2023